Shiva and the Goddess, By a Master of the Mandi atelier, c. 1710-20
Opaque pigments and gold on paperFolio: 25.2 x 16.5 cm including red borderIn this captivating painting, an anonymous master working in the powerfully blunt and compact style cultivated at Mandi, a large state in the Punjab Hills, takes up an archetypal devotional...In this captivating painting, an anonymous master working in the powerfully blunt and compact style cultivated at Mandi, a large state in the Punjab Hills, takes up an archetypal devotional representation of Shiva and the Goddess. The two gods, the ishta-devas (favourite deities) of the legendary Mandi ruler Raja Sidh Sen (r.1684-1727), stand barefoot beside one another, Mahadeva (Shiva) shown frontally and the Devi (Goddess) in profile view. They are accompanied discreetly by their vahanas (vehicles), the bull Nandi and an unnamed tiger or lion, who face in opposite directions.
Full description by John Seyller available by request